Non-dissipative hydrodynamic equations based on a nonlocal collision integral


  • V. N. Gorev National Technical University Dnipro Polytechnic, Dnipro, Ukraine
  • A. I. Sokolovsky Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine



kinetic equation in the case of small interaction, nonlocal collision integral, hydrodynamic equations, temperature and velocity definitions


We consider a slightly non-uniform one-component gas with weak potential interaction. The basis of the investigation is the known kinetic equation in the case of small interaction which is truncated up to the second order of smallness. This equation contains a nonlocal collision integral of the second order in small interaction. In this paper we consider the hydrodynamic stage of the system evolution, and, in contrast to the standard hydrodynamics, we take into account the non-locality of the collision integral. We propose the following set of the reduced description parameters which are the densities of the conserved quantities: the particle number density, the momentum density, and the total energy density. It should be stressed that in contrast to the standard hydrodynamics, the kinetic energy is not conserved, and only the total system energy is conserved if the nonlocal collision integral is used. Definitions of the system velocity and temperature are proposed; it should be stressed that the proposed temperature definition is based on the total system energy rather than on the kinetic one. The hydrodynamics in the leading order in small gradients is investigated, and it is shown that the system one-particle distribution function in the leading-in-gradients order coincides with the Maxwellian one. Particle number density, velocity and temperature time evolution equations (hydrodynamic equations) are derived in the non-dissipative case. The leading-in-interaction orders of the obtained equations coincide with the corresponding equations in the framework of the standard hydrodynamics. The corrections of the first and second order in small interaction are also obtained.





