Correlations in superradiance of a two-dimensional system


  • S. F. Lyagushyn Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine


Ключові слова:

Dicke model, reduced description, polarization current, material equations, binary correlations, Cauchy problem


The process of cooperative spontaneous emission in a system of two-level emitters interacting via electromagnetic field is analyzed using the Bogolyubov reduced description method, which provides the possibility of studying the state of the generated field. Field macrostates are described with electric and magnetic field amplitudes and binary correlation functions of their components. Since the previously obtained set of differential equations describing the Dicke system evolution with considering field correlations is very cumbersome, we must find some way of simplifying the model to make it accessible for numerical modeling. The general picture of correlation development can be elucidated with using one- and two-dimensional models. The paper presents the set of evolution equations for Dicke system with fixed orientation of dipole moments of emitters forming a two-dimensional structure. The material equations and equilibrium correlations are discussed. The transition to the Cauchy problem for ordinary differential equations is proposed.





