Two-band antennas of microwave range of waves
DOI:Ключові слова:
two-band antenna with shunts, current distribution over the antenna, load values and coordinates of their inclusion in the antenna, the radiation patterns of antenna, inductive loadАнотація
The article presents the results of theoretical and experimental studies of the current distribution, the values and coordinates of the load connection points, as well as the radiation patterns for two-band linear microwave antennas with quarter-wave two-wire shunts of the upper range and concentrated reactive loads. Such antennas are promising for use in two-band duplex mobile satellite systems for receiving and transmitting data, for example, GLOBALSTAR, IRIDIUM, ELLIPSO, GPS and others. Theoretical studies are carried out by the method of integral equation. It is found that with a constant length of a quarter-wave shunt and different sizes of the antenna, the antenna can acquire or lose the property of two frequencies. A method for eliminating this negative phenomenon is proposed.